
Give'm Something To Talk About: Private Practice Seating

A Conversation Piece: Talk Therapy and Comfort

The other day I was trying to extricate myself from my favorite crack-den; Pinterest and noticed some daring seating designs. I wondered if any of my colleagues would dare to depart from the old stuffy hues of traditional private practice seating; for an atypical conversation starter.

Designer and Blogger Morgan Pederson of shared a delicious work-in-progress find during her visit to her local upholster.

Hopefully she will share some images of the finished project.

Would You Dare To Introduce a Pop of Color Into Your Private Practice?


Men Have Soles Too

A Friendly Reminder From a Dear Colleague

Recently, a very dear private-practice colleague and friend made a strikingly obvious comment about my blog (after viewing my last brief post "Orange Isn't Just For Pumpkins: Sole Comfort").

He is an ardent follower of both by blog and my Pinterest boards. In his traditional way of giving supportive feedback,  he donned an expression of curiosity as he asked, "why isn't there a tab for HIM?"  He reminded me that my most popular boards on Pinterest are not geared toward women but men.

When I took a closer look, there they were, "re-pins" and "follows" supporting the Uncompromising MenThe Sole ManHis Royal Traveler and other male-themed boards.

So, it is quite fitting that I dedicate a blog tab to "H I S Private Practice".

Please stay tuned for more posts dedicated to H I S Private Practice


LIVING ROOM COMFORT - Private Practice Waiting Room Inspiration

The other day a colleague frustratingly inquired how she could take her private practice waiting room from drab to fab. I shared with her my fail-proof technique borrowed from some of my favorite designer gurus.

Whenever I consult with friends and colleagues, who are blessed enough to have a private practice waiting room, I always suggest they at least beta-test the "Living Room Comfort" strategy.

Here's a quick visual where Lynda Quintero-Davids of NYCLQ incorporated a "Thrifted Chic Redesign." She is known for creating "stylish small space interiors on a budget from a simple shift to shopping thrift."

I hope you are inspired by Lynda Quintero-Davids' gifts.


Sole Comfort: Today's Featured Post

                                  Today's Featured Post from "Private Practice Moms"