14 Cool Private Practice Bloggers

1.  Juliet Austin  http://marketingaprivatepractice.com/

2.  Soroya Bacchus http://www.psychiatryunplugged.com/

3.  Paul C. Brunson  http://paulcbrunson.com/blog/

4.  Deah Curry  http://thenohypementor.com/

5.  Shirley Cress Dudley  http://savetheshrink.com/blog#

6.  Jodie Gale  http://jodiegale.com/blog/

7.  Melanie Greenberg  http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-mindful-self-express

8.  Mary Gresham  http://atlantafinancialpsychology.com/blog/

9.  Julie Hanks  http://www.juliehanks.com/category/practice-toolbox/

10. Christina Hibbert  http://www.drchristinahibbert.com/blog/

11. Miranda Palmer  http://zynnyme.com/blog/

12. Clinton Power  http://clintonpower.com.au/blog/

13. Tamara Suttie  http://www.allthingsprivatepractice.com/

14. Elizabeth Doherty Thomas  http://www.psychotherapyprivatepracticemarketing.com/


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  2. If you know of a blogger who would be a great fit for the December 2012 List, please share with us by leaving his/her name and website address. We'd all love to hear from them.

    Cheers To Your Mental Wealth
    Brigitte Travis-Griffin


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