
Wreath Inspirations for Your Private Practice

While your private practice decor might not include a Christmas tree, perhaps you want to include a festive winter introduction to your clientele.

Here are some Wreath Inspirations that will certainly put a smile on the faces of your private practice visitors.


Last Minute Stocking Stuffer Ideas

So, if some of you are like me, procrastination is an alluring paramour - my illicit soro-sister of laziness. However, if you've taken away the keys and kicked procrastination out of your life - good for you Mr and Mrs. Perfect. Perhaps you might be able to share these last minute Stocking Stuffing Ideas.

This year, I streamlined my stocking-stuffing packaging. My muse was the +Dollar Tree where (items are $1.00 or less).
So, here are just a few ways I presented my gift-exchanges this year.

I think these cardboard containers may have come in more than two colors but I wanted to keep this year's color scheme focused on gold and red.

Just drop in a cute mini (8.4oz) bottle of Martinelli's Sparkling Cider & you're done! A perfect fit.

Whether it's +Bed Bath & Beyond, Bath & BodyWorks, or your own homemade body scrubs, just drop 'em in.

This was the concept for my ornament gift during an annual Tea & Ornament Gift Exchange, hosted by one my best friends. It's so darn simple: Perfect for when you're in a gift-giving pinch.

Just securely tape the string to the inside top.
When my gift was chosen, it received "ewwws" and "ahhhs" as the top was slowly lifted.

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Happy Holidays


Thank An Awesome Teacher

Often the 1st mentor is a teacher. 
Today, try your best to find a way to thank an awesome teacher.


Spice Up Your Tux

So what - Too bad you have a million functions to attend this Holiday season. Nobody cares that you don't have anything to wear (well... I care).

 Remember that the Private Practice With Style motto is to, think outside the box.
So, suck it up and decide this will be the year that you go out on a limb and spice up your friggin boring tux!